A generous table
We're always slightly surprised that we’ve become known for making massive tables. In some ways, it shouldn’t be surprising in the least – after all, Matthew loves utility and scale.
It’s not just about being always out of the ordinary (our motto); it’s about making something substantial in all senses that can endure almost anything!
The table is a generous piece of furniture by nature. It welcomes all and takes up a prominent position in the house. It’s often known as the ‘family table’ and there’s a bond that means it, above many other pieces, can be sure of a home with the next generation. While in use, it also remains a stoic storer of carbon for future generations. A solid timber table can be expected to hold onto its carbon through many generations, for 100 years or more.
As a thrower of excellent parties*, Matthew understands that a table needs to be fit for dancing on, able to bear the weight of troughs coopted as ice buckets, and certainly strong enough to withstand a pair of his mother’s famous pavlovas.
These platforms play host to gatherings, celebratory and commiserative, with champagne or tea. Tables are the unsung heroes of family life in the home, and we’re here to sing their praises.
* I met Matthew at one of his parties thirteen years ago and enjoyed myself so much I decided to stay!